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Supporting Women through
Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond

Congratulations and thank you for your interest in my services!


Joyful Journey Birth & Wellness is locally owned and operated by Lauren Pietrowski. I have been providing doula and birth related services to women and their families since April of 2012. I provide services to Harford, Baltimore, Cecil and Carroll counties in Maryland and York, Lancaster, and Adams counties in Pennsylvania.


Why Hire a Doula? Studies have Shown:

-A higher satisfaction with birth experience

-Shorter labor

-Reduced levels of fear and anxiety

-Lower cesarean rates

-Reduced use of pain meds and epidural rates 

-Reduced use of Pitocin

-Lower rates of postpartum depression


What is a Doula? (defined by DONA)

A birth doula is a person trained and experienced in childbirth who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after the birth. The word doula comes from ancient Greek, meaning "woman's servant".


What is Placenta Encapsulation?

Placenta encapsulation is the process of preparing the mother's placenta for ingestion after the birth of her baby by dehydration, powdering and encapsulating for use as the mother sees fit.


What are the benefits of Placenta Encapsulation?

-Helps prevent postpartum depression

-Improves breastmilk supply

-Boosts postpartum energy levels 

-Aids in maternal responsiveness

-Balances hormone and nutrient levels

-Decreases the size of the uterus which may decrease postpartum bleeding

-May prevent iron deficiency anemia by replacing Iron and Vitamin B supplies


Every woman should be entitled to the support of a doula and placenta encapsulator!



© 2023 by Lauren Pietrowski. 

Tel: 781-879-7326

Lauren Pietrowski


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